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Risultati 620-640 di 73910

François Truffaut

  • Marchelli, Massimo


the films of Humphrey Bogart

  • McCarty, Clifford

Conversations avec Luis Buñuel

il est dangereux de se pencher au-dedans

  • Pérez Turrent, Tomás

Ombre metropolitane

città e spettacolo nel Novecento

The sight of time

Robert Cahen video @ LSU

Étienne et Sara

  • Hébert, Pierre

Taxi driver

  • Schrader, Paul

Kino in Österreich, 1929-1945

der Tonfilm

  • Fritz, Walter

The altering eye

contemporary international cinema

  • Kolker, Robert Phillip

The "I" of the camera

essays in film criticism, history and aesthetics

  • Rothman, William

Raising Kane

  • Kael, Pauline

A critical cinema

interviews with Independent Filmmakers

  • MacDonald, Scott 1942-

The searchers

  • Nugent, Frank S.

Tim Burton

  • Cosulich, Oscar