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Risultati 20-31 di 31

Systèmes éléctroniques fortement correlés

Troysième cycle de la physique en Suisse Romande, cours intensif, Septembre 2001

Low energy electron collisions in gases

swarm and plasma methods applied to their study

  • Gilardini, Aldo

History of the Electron

J. J. and G. P. Thomson

  • Navarro, Jaume

Applied RHEED

reflection high-energy electron diffraction during crystal growth

  • Braun, Wolfgang

Proceedings of the international conference on the theory of the electron

September 24-27, 1995, Mexico City

  • International conference on the theory of the electron Mexico City 1995

Il lampo dell' elettrone

le scoperte e la storia di un corpuscolo che ha cambiato la nostra vita

  • Pellegrini, Vittorio

Risultati 20-31 di 31