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Risultati 1-20 di 117

Introduction to spacetime

a first course on relativity

  • Laurent, Bertel

L'archéologie du monde

constitution de l'espace, idealisme et intuitionnisme chez Husserl

  • Pradelle, Dominique

Cartesian spacetime

Descartesʼphysics and the relational theory of space and motion

  • Slowik, Edward

World enough and space-time

absolute versus relational theories of space and time

  • Earman, John

From supersymmetry to the origin of space-time

proceedings of the international school of subnuclear physics

  • International School of Subnuclear Physics 21. Erice 1983

Foundations of space and time

reflections on quantum gravity

Quantum field theory in curved spacetime

quantized fields and gravity

  • Parker, Leonard E.

From eternity to here

the quest for the ultimate theory of time

  • Carroll, Sean M.

Spazi altri

i luoghi delle eterotopie

  • Foucault, Michel

Physics and the ultimate significance of time

Bohm, Prigogine and process phylosophy

Concepts of space [+]

the history of theories of space in physics

  • Jammer, Max

Risultati 1-20 di 117