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Risultati 160-180 di 361

Proceedings of the 2. U. S. national conference on earthquake engineering

August 22-24, 1979, Stanford University, Stanford, California

Guida all'eurocodice 8 [+]

Progettazione delle strutture per la resistenza sismica : EN 1998-1, EN 1998-5

Earthquake engineering [+]

mechanism, damage assessment and structural design

  • Borg, S. F.

Progettazione esecutiva di strutture in cemento armato in zona sismica [+]

tipologie, particolari costruttivi, progetti esecutivi di cantiere : con disegni dei dettagli costruttivi in formato DWG, esempi di progetti esecutivi di cantiere, sussidi di calcolo su Cd-rom

  • Albano, Giuseppe ingegnere

Urban scale vulnerability

proceedings of the U. s. - Italy colloquium on urban design and earthquake hazard mitigation, Rome, Italy, october 12.16, 1981

Speril I

Computer based structural damage assessment system

  • Ishizuka, Mitsuro

Protezione sismica delle strutture

tecnologie ricerca applicazioni

  • Russo, Gaetano

Seismic behaviour of irregular and complex structures

Proceedings of the Fifth European workshop on the Seismic behaviour of irregular and complex structures, 16-17 September 2008, Catania Italy

  • European workshop on the Seismic behaviour of irregular and complex structures 5. Catania 2008


a European integrated project on risk mitigation for earthquakes and landslides

Myths and fallacies in earthquake engineering, revisited [+]

the ninth Mallet Milne lecture, 2003

  • Priestley, M. J. Nigel

Study on design of steel building in earthquake zone

ECSC Technical Research. Agreement 7210-ZZ 437 (15/3/84 - 15/9/85)