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Risultati 1-20 di 133

The England of Elizabeth

The structure of Society

  • Rowse, Alfred Leslie


The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century

  • Yates, Frances A.

Vom Menschen

Handbuch historische Anthropologie

  • Wulf, Christoph

Consciousness and society

the reorientation of European social thought 1890-1930

  • Hughes, Henry Stuart

Life in Georgian England

  • Williams, Ernest Neville

Irish settlements in Eastern Canada

a study of cultural transfer and adaptation

  • Mannion, John J.

La società contemporanea

una introduzione storica

  • Macry, Paolo

Razze e nazioni

  • Pullè, Giorgio

Storie dell'antropologia

percorsi britannici, tedeschi, francesi e americani

Paolo Mantegazza

dalle Americhe al Mediterraneo

Risultati 1-20 di 133