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Risultati 160-180 di 479


  • Parker, John 1946-

Anthony Giddens

the last modernist

  • Meštrović, Stjepan G.

The fragmented world of the social

essays in social and political philosophy

  • Honneth, Axel

Widerstände der Systemtheorie

Kulturtheoretische Analysen zum Werk von Niklas Luhmann

Contested knowledge

social theory in the postmodern era

  • Seidman, Steven

Habitus, corps, domination

sur certains présupposés philosophiques de la sociologie de Pierre Bourdieu

  • Hong, Sung-min

Max Weber and the Jewish question

a study of the social outlook of his sociology

  • Abraham, Gary A.

Anthropology in theory

issues in epistemology

A logic of expressive choice

  • Schuessler, Alexander A.

The living legacy of Marx, Durkheim and Weber

applications and analyses of classical sociological theory by modern social scientists

Naked science

anthropological inquiry into boundaries, power, and knowledge

Origin and significance of the Frankfurt School

a Marxist perspective

  • Slater, Philip

Foundations of Hegelʼs social theory

actualizing freedom

  • Neuhouser, Frederick