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Risultati 1-20 di 30

Dutch contributions to the sixth international congress of slavists

Prague 1968

  • International congress of slavists 6. Prague 1968

American contributions to the tenth international congress of slavists

Sofia, September 1988

  • International congress of slavists 10. Sofia 1988

Comparative and contrastive studies in slavic languages and literatures

japanese contributions to the ninth international congress of slavists : Kiev, September 7-13, 1983

  • International congress of slavists 9. Kiev 1983

Canadian contributions to the seventh international congress of slavists

Warsaw, August 21 - 27, 1973

  • International congress of slavists 7. Warsaw 1973

American contributions to the fifth international congress of slavists

Sofia, September 1963

  • International congress of slavists 5. Sofia 1963

American contributions to the sixth international congress of slavists

Prague, 1968, August 7 - 13

  • International congress of slavists 6. Prague 1968

American contributions to the seventh international congress of Slavists

Warsaw, august 21-27, 1973

  • International congress of slavists 7. Warsaw 1973

From Los Angeles to Kiev

papers on the occasion of the Ninth international congress of slavists : Kiev, September, 1983

  • International congress of slavists 9. Kiev 1983

XII miedzynarodowy kongres slawistow.

Krakow, 27 VIII-2 IX 1998 : streszczenia referatow i komunikatow

  • Miedzynarodowy kongres slawistow 12. Krakow 1998

Giornata dei giovani slavisti

17 gennaio 2006

  • Giornata dei giovani slavisti Firenze 2006

Bibliografia della slavistica e della balto-slavistica italiana

1993-1997 : contributi italiani al 12. congresso internazionale degli slavisti : Cracovia 26 agosto-3 settembre 1998

La genesi della slavistica

contributi presentati per la discussione alla Tavola rotonda, Commissione internazionale per la storia della slavistica : 12. Congresso Internazionale degli slavisti, Cracovia, 31 agosto 1998

6. mezinárodni sjezd slavistů v Praze, 1968

Praha, 7.-13. 8. 1968 : akta sjezdu

  • Meždunarodnyj sezd slavistov 6. Praga 1968

L'idea dell'unità e della reciprocità slava e il suo ruolo nello sviluppo della slavistica

atti del Convegno della Commissione per la storia della slavistica : Urbino, 28-9/1-10-1992

The formation of the Slavonic literary languages

proceedings of a conference held in memory of Robert Auty and Anne Pennington at Oxford, 6-11 July 1981

Slavjanskoe jazykoznanie

7. mezdunarodnyj sezd slavistov : Varsava, avgust 1973 g. : doklady sovetskoj delegacii

  • Mezdunarodnyj sezd slavistov 7. Varsavia 1973

Risultati 1-20 di 30