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Risultati 80-100 di 605

The European economy beyond the crisis

from stabilisation to structural change : Bruges week 1976 : de la stabilisation à la mutation structurelle : semaine de Bruges, 1976

The Brenner debate

agrarian class structure and economic development in pre-industrial Europe

Transferring wealth and power from the old to the new world

monetary and fiscal institutions in the 17th through the 19th centuries

Ranking, resource, and exchange

aspects of the archaeology of early European society

Peasants, landlords, and merchant capitalists

Europe and the world economy, 1500-1800

  • Kriedte, Peter

From warfare to wealth

the military origins of urban prosperity in Europe

  • Dincecco, Mark

Americanismo e riformismo

la socialdemocrazia europea nell'economia mondiale aperta

Spätfeudalismus und Handelskapital

Grundlinien der europaische Wirtschaftsgeschichte vom 16. bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts

  • Kriedte, Peter

La genesi della società contemporanea europea

lineamenti di storia economica e sociale dal XVIII secolo alla prima guerra mondiale

  • Cattini, Marco

L'économie européenne

  • D'Hérouville, Hurbet


avviso ai naviganti : comunicare e capirsi nel tempo della Moneta Unica

  • Glisenti, Paolo

The paradox of vulnerability

States, nationalism, and the financial crisis

  • Campbell, John L.

Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte

the Fontana Economic History of Europe

An economic history of Western Europe


  • Postan, Michael Moïssey