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Risultati 20-40 di 119

Germany and NATO

  • Reed, John A. 1932-

L'alleanza occidentale

nascita e sviluppi di un sistema di sicurezza collettivo

Cruise, Pershing, and SS-20

the search for consensus: nuclear weapons in Europe

  • Cartwright, John 1933-

Towards a comprehensive approach [+]

integrating civilian and military concepts of strategy

NATO beyond 9/11

the transformation of the Atlantic Alliance

NATO enlargement during the cold war

strategy and system in the Western Alliance

  • Smith, Mark 1965-

The UN and NATO

forward from the joint declaration


Transformation, Aufgaben, Ziele

  • Hauser, Gunther

NATO's post-cold war trajectory

decline or regeneration?

  • Webber, Mark

NATO and the United States

the enduring alliance

  • Kaplan, Lawrence S.

L'Europa indifesa

sistema di sicurezza atlantico e caso italiano 1948-1955

  • Sebesta, Lorenza

Deux stratégies pour l'Europe

De Gaulle, les États-Unis et l'Alliance atlantique, 1958-1969

  • Bozo, Frederic