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Risultati 1-13 di 13

D3 on AngularJS

create dynamic visualizations with AngularJS

  • Lerner, Ari

jQuery UI 1.7

the user interface library for jQuery : build highly interactive web applications with ready-to-use widgets from the jQuery user interface library

  • Wellman, Dan

jQuery 1.4 reference guide

a comprehensive exploration of the popular Javascript library

  • Swedberg, Karl

Web services & SOA

principles and technology

  • Papazoglou, Michael P.

Web usability 2.0

l'usabilità che conta

  • Nielsen, Jakob

Creare pagine web

passo per passo

  • Millhollon, Mary

Technologies for E-services

third international workshop, TES 2002, Hong Kong, China, August 23-24, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference workshop on technologies for E-services 3. Hong Kong, China 2002

Learning jQuery 1.3

better interaction design and web development with simple JavaScript techniques

  • Chaffer, Jonathan

Web usability

  • Nielsen, Jakob

Rete retorica

prospettive retoriche della rete

Risultati 1-13 di 13