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Risultati 80-100 di 106

Computing in civil engineering and geographic information systems symposium

proceedings of the Eighth conference held in conjunction with A/E/C systems '92, Hyatt Regency Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas, June 7-9, 1992

Spatial models and GIS

new potential and new models

Open access

GIS in e-Government

  • Greene, R. W.

Geographic information systems

socioeconomic applications

  • Martin, David


systèmes d'information géographique Télédétection

  • Steinberg, Jean

Mapping our world

GIS lessons for educators

  • Malone, Lyn

Papers from the annual conference of the Urban and regional information systems association

August 12-August 16, 1990, Edmonton, Alberta

  • Urban and regional information systems association

Handling geographical information

methodology and potential applications