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Risultati 240-260 di 2155

Microeconomia & matematica

note ed esercizi

  • Foschi, Alga D.

Verso la schiavitù

  • Hayek, Friedrich A. von

Economic evolution

an enquiry into the foundations of new institutional economics

  • Vromen, Jack J.

On economic inequality

the Radcliffe lectures delivered in the University of Warwick, 1972

  • Sen, Amartya

Epistemics & economics

a critique of economic doctrines

  • Shackle, George Lennox Sherman economista

De l'ordre social

ouvrage suivi d'un traité élémentaire sur la valeur, l'argent, la circulation, l'industrie & le commerce intérieur & extérieur

  • Le Trosne, Guillaume-François

Uncertainty in economics and other reflections

  • Shackle, George Lennox Sherman economista

Imperfect institutions

possibilities and limits of reform

  • Eggertsson, Thráinn

Note sul cameralismo tedesco

la dottrina economico-finanziaria di Kaspar Klock

  • Vecchiato, Francesco

The instinct of workmanship

and the state of industrial arts

  • Veblen, Thorstein

Foundations of economics

structures of inquiry and economic theory