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Risultati 220-240 di 832


il segreto del successo della natura

  • Haken, Hermann

Simplicity, inference and modelling

keeping it sophisticatedly simple

Primo congresso italiano di sistemica

la scienza dei sistemi per progettare uno sviluppo sostenibile : Milano, 24-26 giugno 1998 : system science to design a sustainable development : Milan, June 24-26, 1998

  • Congresso italiano di sistemica 1 Milano 1998

A model of the brain

being the William Withering lectures delivered to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Birmingham 1960 with the title "Mechanisms of learning and form discrimination"

  • Young, John Zachary


saggi sulla coerenza e auto-organizzazione in natura

Conceptual structures for knowledge creation and communication

11th international conference on conceptual structures, ICCS 2003, Dresden, Germany, July 21-25, 2003 : proceedings

  • International conference on conceptual structures 11. Dresden, Germany 2003

Signals and systems

  • Oppenheim, Alan V.