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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 832


the nervous system as a control system

Communication theory

  • Goldie, Charles M.

Modeling dynamic systems

lessons for a first course

  • Fisher, Diana M.

Growth and diffusion phenomena

mathematical frameworks and applications

  • Banks, Robert B.

Discrete-event control of stochastic networks

multimodularity and regularity

  • Altman, Eitan

Zwischen Technik und Psychologie

Grundprobleme der Kybernetik

  • Erismann, Theodor H.

Coding theory and applications [+]

3rd International colloquium, Toulon, France, November 2-4, 1988, Proceedings

The brain as a computer

  • George, Frank Honywill

Evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization

4th european conference, EvoCOP 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, April 5-7, 2004 : proceedings

  • European conference on evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization 4. Coimbra, Portugal 2004

Communication theory

  • Balakrishnan, A.V.