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Risultati 1-20 di 66

Vaccines [+]

molecular and chemical basis of resistance to parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases

Vaccini e sieri

  • Detre, László

I vaccini

  • Bartolozzi, Giorgio 1924-

Report of the 1. International serology workshop

  • International serology workshop 1. Wageningen

DNA vaccines

methods and protocols

Towards better carbohydrate vaccines

proceedings of a meeting organized by the World Health Organization, 9-11 October 1986, Geneva

Vaccine design [+]

the subunit and adjuvant approach

Progress towards better vaccines

proceedings of a meeting organized by the World health organization as part of the programme for vaccine development, held in Bellagio, Italy, by courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation, 16-18 April 1985

Vaccini, sieri, immunoglobuline

prontuario per l'uso

  • Pontecorvo, Michele

Vaccini e vaccinazioni

  • Bartolozzi, Giorgio 1924-


come e perchè

  • Bonanni, Paolo

Siena la città laboratorio

dall'innesto del vajuolo ad Albert Sabin

Risultati 1-20 di 66