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Risultati 1-20 di 234

The ultimate weapon is no weapon

human security and the new rules of war and peace

  • Beebe, Shannon D.

The name of the chamber was peace

Toronto science for peace lectures

From detente in Europe to European detente

how the West shaped the Helsinki CSCE

  • Romano, Angela 1976-

Resource wars

the new landscape of global conflict

  • Klare, Michael T.

La sécurité européenne dans les années 90

la dimension écologique

  • Clavel, Jean-Daniel

Overcoming threats to Europe

a new deal for confidence and security

European security in the 1990s

challenges and perspectives

  • Ghébali, Victor Yves

Kriegsängste und Sicherheitsbedürfnis

zur Sozialpsychologie des Ost-West-Konflikts im Alltag

  • Volmerg, Birgit

New legal foundations for global survival

security through the Security council

  • Ferencz, Benjamin B.

Recasting the european order

security architechtures and economic cooperation

  • Sperling, James

The heart of war

on power, conflict and obligation in the twenty-first century

  • Prins, Gwyn

World security

challenges for a new century : a project of te five college program in peace and world security studies

  • Klare, Michael T.

Risultati 1-20 di 234