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Risultati 380-400 di 977

Shakespeares history plays [+]

  • Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall


  • Gregor, Joseph

Shakespeares problem plays

  • Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall

Shakespeares world of images

the development of his moral ideas

  • Stauffer, Donald A.

Shakespeare and Elizabethan poetry

a study of his earlier work in relation to the poetry of the time

  • Bradbrook, Muriel Clara

Hamlet: father and son

The Lord Northcliffe Lectures, University College, London, 1953

  • Alexander, Peter n. 1893

Shakespeares workmanship

  • Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas

A Shakespeare primer

  • Alexander, Peter n. 1893

Shakespeare's England

an account of the life & manners of his age