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Risultati 200-220 di 977

Adultera e re

un'interpretazione psicoanalitica e letteraria di Madame Bovary e Re Lear

  • Speziale Bagliacca, Roberto

The dream of learning

an essay on the advancement of learning Hamlet and King Lear

  • James, D. G.

Aspects of Shakespeare

being British Academy lectures

Who was Shakespeare?

a new enquiry

  • Amphlett, H.

Shakespeare's bawdy

a literary & psychological essay and a comprehensive glossary

  • Partridge, Eric

Shakespeareʼs festive world [+]

Elizabethan seasonal entertainment and the professional stage

  • Laroque, François

Representing Shakespeare

England, history and the RCS

  • Shaughnessy, Robert

A Shakespeare glossary

  • Onions, Charles Talbut

Shakespeares history plays

Richard 2. to Henry 5.


the dark comedies to the last plays : from satire to celebration

  • Foakes, R. A.

Shakespeare retrouvé

sa vie, son oeuvre

  • Chambrun, Clara Longworth: comtesse de

Shakespeare and the reason

a study of the tragedies and the problem plays

  • Hawkes, Terence

Shakespeare der Christ

eine Deutung der Sonette

  • Rang, Florens Christian

The Shakespearean ciphers examined

an analysis of cryptographic systems used as evidence that some author other than William Shakespeare wrote the plays commonly attributed to him

  • Friedman, William S.