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Risultati 1-20 di 643

The sex steroids

molecular mechanisms

Human reproduction

biology and social change

  • Swanson, Harold D.

Reproductive endocrinology [+]

physiology, pathophysiology and clinical management

  • Yen, Samuel S. C.

Actas del II coloquio internacional sobre gonadotrofinas humanas

su empleo en el campo de la esterilidad masculina y femenina

  • Coloquio internacional sobre gonadotrofinas humanas2Barcelona

Hypophysaere Gonadotropine

Untersuchungen uber Physiologie, Pathologie und medikamentoese Beeinflussung der FSH- und LH-Sekretion bei der Frau

  • Keller, Paul J.

Releasing hormones and genetics and immunology in human reproduction

  • World congress on fertility and sterility 12. Singapore 1986

Marshall's physiology of reproduction

  • Marshall, Francis Hugh Adam 1878-1949

Physiologie du sexe

mai 1938-mai 1939

  • Caridroit, Fernard

Risultati 1-20 di 643