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Risultati 1-20 di 1065

Meine liebste Mathilde

Geschichte- zum Berühren

  • Knobloch, Heinz

Bringing the dark past to light

the reception of the Holocaust in postcommunist Europe

  • Himka, , John-Paul

The holocaust industry

reflections on the exploitation of Jewish suffering

  • Finkelstein, Norman G

L'état SS

le système des camps de concentration allemands

  • Kogon, Eugen

Probing the limits of representation

Nazism and the "final solution"

Dimension des Völkermords

die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

Legacies of Dachau

the uses and abuses of a concentration camp, 1933-2001

  • Marcuse, Harold

Questa bambina deve vivere

giorno per giorno come siamo sopravvissute all'olocausto

  • Holzman, Helene


true stories of children in the Holocaust

Unequal victims

Poles and Jews during world war two

  • Gutman, Yisrael


viaggio nella e per la memoria : 27 gennaio 2004

Mal di casa

un ragazzo davanti ai giudici, 1941-1942

  • Schminck-Gustavus, Christoph Ulrich

Echoes from the Holocaust

philosophical reflections on a dark time

Risultati 1-20 di 1065