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Risultati 80-100 di 1296

Ten centuries that shaped the West

Greek and Roman art in Texas collections

  • Hoffmann, Herbert

A catalogue of the ancient sculptures preserved in the municipal collections of Rome [+]

the sculptures of the Museo Capitolino, by members of the British School at Rome

  • Museo capitolino

Statuen des Strengen Stils in Rom

Verwendung und Wertung eines griechischen Stils im romischen Kontext

  • Germini, Brunella

Die Galateranatheme Attalos I.

eine Untersuchung zum Bestand und zur Nachwirkung pergamenischer Skulptur

  • Wenning, Robert

The bronze liver of Piacenza

analysis of a polytheistic structure

  • Meer, L. Bouke van der

Museo archeologico di Split


  • Arheoloski muzej Spalato

Attic document reliefs

art and politics in ancient Athens

  • Lawton, Carol L.

Networks of stone

sculpture and society in archaic and classical Athens

  • Hochscheid, Helle

Die trunkene Alte

das Lachen der Verhöhnten

Risultati 80-100 di 1296