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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 400-420 di 1232

Early civilization and literacy in Europe

an inquiry into cultural continuity in the Mediterranean world

  • Haarmann, Harald

Il prisma dell'io narrante

autore e lettore : modelli di comprensione e di produzione di testi

The power of the written word

the role of literacy in the history of Western civilization

  • Burns, Alfred


az írásjelhasználat szabályai, problémái és története

  • Keszler, Borbála

English cursive book hands


  • Parkes, Malcolm Beckwith

Writing for science and enineering

papers, presentations, and reports

  • Silyn-Roberts, Heather

Spoken and written language

exploring orality and literacy

Le scritture fonetiche

origini e strutture, i presupposti articolatori, la funzionalità semiologica

  • Minissi, Nullo

Written language

general problems and problems of English

  • Vachek, Josef


a technique for reducing languages to writing

  • Pike, Kenneth L.