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Risultati 1-20 di 202

Imagination of the Heart

The Life of Walter de la Mare

  • Whistler, Theresa


  • Barrie, James Matthew

Some Memories of W. B. Yeats

  • Masefield, John 1878-1967


a biography of Stevie Smith

  • Barbera, Jack

Me again

  • Smith, Stevie

Soggetto e storia

analisi della "Caudwell Discussion"

  • Di Piazza, Elio

Un giorno

  • Douglas, Norman

G.K. Chesterton

a biography

  • Ker, Ian


commedia in tre atti tratta da un romanzo di W. Somerset Maugham

  • Colton, John

Samuel Beckett

repetition, theory and text

  • Connor, Steven

Vera Brittain

a feminist life

  • Gorham, Deborah

Three guineas

  • Woolf, Virginia


the posthumous papers of D. H. Lawrence

  • Lawrence, D. H.

The common reader

second series

  • Woolf, Virginia

Selected prose

  • Housman, Alfred Edward

Vera Brittain

a life

  • Berry, Paul 1919-

Risultati 1-20 di 202