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Risultati 80-100 di 107

Scozia [+]

  • Bracquemond, Aude

The story of Mary

Queen of Scots

  • Ross, W. D.

The Scots-Italians

recollection of an immigrant

  • Pieri, Joe

Scozia e Nord Inghilterra

Edimburgo, le Highlands, Cambridge e Lake District

  • Touring Club Editore

Giro del mondo

collana di monografie geografico-turistiche : Arabia

Inghilterra e Scozia

architettura, itinerari, alberghi, musei, teatri, ristoranti, cartine

Scotland described

a series of topographic sketches

  • Murray, Alexander

Round about Falkirk

with an account of the historical and antiquarian landmarks of the countries of Stirling and Linlithgow

  • Gillespie, Robert

Scotland's story

a child's history of Scotland

  • Marshall, Henrietta E.

L'Ecosse jadis et aujourd'hui

etudes et souvenirs

  • lafond, louis