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Risultati 380-400 di 7031

Regulating a new society

public policy and social change in America, 1900-1933

  • Keller, Morton

Traditional thought and ideological change

Sweden and Japan in the age of industrialisation

Moeurs des uns, coutumes des autres

les Francais au regard de l'Europe : une anthologie

Tamil cultural relations with Southeast Asia

with special reference to Tamil bhakti literature and the Ramayana versions

  • Singaravelu, Sachithanantham

L'invention de l'homme moderne

culture et sensibilités en France du XVe au XVIIIe siecle

  • Muchembled, Robert

Charisma and leadership

the human side of great leaders of thetwentieth century

  • Norodom Sihanouk, Prince

The wishful thinking

storia del pacifismo inglese nell'Ottocento

  • Aldobrandini, Giovanni


Kultur im Schatten posttotalitärer Mentalität

  • Madela, Andrzej

Tempo di crisi

  • Serres, Michel


aspects of cultural relations between Great Britain and Russia in the eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries

  • Cross, Anthony Glenn

Chi governa la citta'?

una ricerca sugli assessori comunali

  • Bettin, Gianfranco