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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 520-540 di 1071

Applied longitudinal data analysis

modeling change and event occurrence

  • Singer, Judith D.


esplorare, descrivere e sintetizzare i dati : guida pratica all'analisi dei dati nella ricerca sociale

  • Di Franco, Giovanni 1960-

The comparative method

moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies

  • Ragin, Charles C.

Theoretical sensitivity

advances in the methodology of grounded theory

  • Glaser, Barney G.

The possibility of naturalism

a philosophical critique of the contemporary human sciences

  • Bhaskar, Roy

Scale development

theory and applications

  • De Vellis, Robert F.

Social research

theory and methods

  • Sedlack, Richard Guy

The science game

an introduction to research in the social sciences

  • Pyke, Sandra W.

Unthinking social science

the limits of nineteenth-century paradigms

  • Wallerstein, Immanuel

State, law, and economy as autopoietic systems

regulation and autonomy in a new perspective

  • Teubner, Gunther