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Risultati 760-780 di 2657

1: Filosofia della scienza e fondamenti della probabilita e della statistica

  • Congresso Nuovi problemi della logica e della filosofia della scienza Viareggio 1990

Goethe e la pianta [+]

natura, scienza e arte

Il sole, il genoma e internet

strumenti delle rivoluzioni scientifiche

  • Dyson, Freeman

In the scope of logic, methodology and philosopy of science

  • International congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science 11. Cracovia 1999

Natur und Idee oder das Werdende und sein Gesetz

eine philosophische Grundlage fur die spezielle Naturwissenschaft

  • Carus, Carl Gustav

Scientific man

the humanistic significance of science

  • Cantore, Enrico

Recent themes in the philosophy of science

scientific realism and commonsense

Explanatory translation

beyond the Kuhnian model of conceptual change

  • Rantala, Veikko

Dynamics of reason

  • Friedman, Michael

Shaping science with rhetoric

the cases of Dobzhansky, Schrödinger, and Wilson

  • Ceccarelli, Leah

Complexity and information

cognition of the real world

Lettres a Cassiano dal Pozzo


  • Peiresc, Nicolas Claude Fabri: de