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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 620-640 di 2657

Science and values

the aims of science and their role in scientific debate

  • Laudan, Larry

Philosophy and sociology of science

an introduction

  • Richards, Stewart

Structures in science

heuristic patterns based on cognitive structures : an advanced textbook in neo-classical philosophy of science

  • Kuipers, Theo A. F.

Ernst Mach's Vienna 1895-1930 [+]

or phenomenalism as philosophy of science

Science and modernity [+]

toward an integral theory of science

  • Lelas, Srdan

La scienza come idealizzazione [+]

i fondamenti della metodologia marxiana

  • Nowak, Leszek

Metodo e società nella scienza

fattori metodologici, sociali e cognitivi nelle decisioni scientifiche

  • Viale, Riccardo

The place of probability in science

in honor of Ellery Eells (1953-2006)

Evidence, explanation, and realism

essays in the philosophy of science

  • Achinstein, Peter

The cognitive science of science

explanation, discovery, and conceptual change

  • Thagard, Paul

Dedalo, o La scienza e il futuro [+]

Icaro, o Il futuro della scienza

  • Haldane, John B. S.