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Risultati 480-500 di 2657

Mind, matter and method

essays in philosophy and science in honor of Herbert Feigl

Il darwinismo nel pensiero scientifico contemporaneo

atti del convegno nel primo centenario della morte di Charles Robert Darwin, Napoli, Castel dell'Ovo, 27-28 novembre 1982

Scienza, filosofia e religione tra '600 e '700 in Italia

ricerche sui rapporti tra cultura italiana ed europea

  • Boaretti, Tiziano

The scientific imagination

case studies

  • Holton, Gerald

Discussion sur l'evolution de l'univers

d'après le rapport du meeting du centenaire de l'Association Britannique pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Londres, 1931)

Construction and constraint

the shaping of scientific rationality

The idea of nature

  • Collingwood, Robin George 1889-1943

Philosophie und exakte Wissenschaft

kleine Schriften

  • Cassirer, Ernst

Logic, methodology and philosophy of science VIII

proceedings of the eighth International congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Moscow, 1987

  • International congress of Logic, methodology and philosophy of science 8. Moskva 1987

The human mystery

  • Eccles, John Carew

An architectonic for science

the structuralist program

  • Balzer, Wolfgang