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Risultati 260-280 di 2657

I frammenti della ragione

saggio su P.K. Feyerabend

  • Corvi, Roberta

Logic, methodology and philosophy of science IV

proceedings of the fourth International congress for logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Bucharest, 1971

  • International congress for logic methodology and philosophy of science 4. Bucharest 1971

Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel

a tribute on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday

Patterns of discovery [+]

an inquiry into the concept of foundations of science

  • Hanson, Norwood Russell

Science as a process

an evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science

  • Hull, David L.

Forma e percezione

  • Weizsäcker, Viktor von

Scrutinizing science

empirical studies of scientific change

Scienza e filosofia

con un'appendice sulla Nozione di verità

  • Le Roy, Édouard

In the scope of logic, methodology and philosophy of science

11th international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Cracow, August 1999

  • International congress of Logic, methodology and philosophy of science 11. Cracow 1999

La nuova scienza della mente

storia della rivoluzione cognitiva

  • Gardner, Howard

Pensiero e materia

  • Changeux, Jean-Pierre

Precepts and counsels on scientific investigation

stimulants of the spirit

  • Ramón y Cajal, Santiago