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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 300-320 di 2605

Roman nature

the thought of Pliny the Elder

  • Beagon, Mary

Technological development and science in the industrial age

new perspectives on the science-technology relationship


  • Aristoteles

La scienza della natura per un intellettuale romano

studi su Plinio il Vecchio

  • Citroni Marchetti, Sandra

Restoring the treasury of mind

the practical knowledge of the "Natural History" : a dissertation presented to the Faculty of Princeton University in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy

  • Lao, Eugenia

The canon

a whirligig tour of the beautiful basics of science

  • Angier, Natalie

Visions of discovery

new light on physics, cosmology, and consciousness

A rhetoric of science

inventing scientific discourse

  • Prelli, Lawrence J.

Vita vigilia est

essay in honour of Barbara Levick

Facing up

science and its cultural adversaries

  • Weinberg, Steven 1933-2021

Lake views

this world and the universe

  • Weinberg, Steven 1933-2021

CRC handbook of chemistry and physics

a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data

The advancement of science, and its burdens

with a new introduction

  • Holton, Gerald

Repeat photography

methods and applications in the natural sciences

The cosmic viewpoint

a Study of Seneca's Natural Questions

  • Williams, Gareth D.

More and different

notes from a thoughtful curmudgeon

  • Anderson, Philip W. 1923-