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Risultati 60-80 di 170

From groups to individuals

evolution and emerging individuality

Caos e ordine

la complessa struttura del vivente

  • Cramer, Friedrich

Une nouvelle connaissance du vivant

François Jacob, André Lwoff et Jacques Monod

Biologia come ideologia [+]

la dottrina del DNA

  • Lewontin, Richard C.

Alle soglie del terzo millennio

una mente tecnologica in un cervello paleolitico: il gap evoluzionistico

  • Harth, Erich

La fin et les moyens

etudes sur la finalite biologique et ses mecanismes

La maitrise du vivant

  • Dagognet, François

Natureʼs purposes

analyses of function and design in biology

Organisms and artifacts

design in nature and elsewhere

  • Lewens, Tim

From a biological point of view

essays in evolutionary philosophy

  • Sober, Elliott

What is life ?

with mind and matter and autobiographical sketches

  • Schrödinger, Erwin

The evolution of reason

logic as a branch of biology

  • Cooper, William S.

What the philosophy of biology is

essays dedicated to David Hull