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Risultati 140-160 di 1242

Il metodo sperimentale in biologia da Vallisneri ad oggi

3. centenario della nascita di Antonio Vallisneri, Padova, 29-30 settembre-1° ottobre 1961

Handbuch für biologische übugen

zoologischer teil

  • Röseler, Paul

Visions of nature

the art and science of Ernst Haeckel

  • Breidbach, Olaf

Ricerche di biologia

pubblicate per il XXV anniversario cattedratico di Pietro Albertoni dai suoi discepoli : Siena MDCCCLXXVI-Bologna MCMI

Intellectual pursuits of Nicolas Rashevsky

the queer duck of biology

  • Shmailov, Maya M.

Phase microscopy

principles and applications

Biology, history, and natural philosophy

based on the Second international colloquium held at the university of Denver

A dictionary of biological terms

pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms in biology, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, genetics, embryology, physiology

  • Henderson, Isabella Ferguson

Fluid preservation

a comprehensive reference

  • Simmons, John E.

Précis de biologie animale [+]

a l'usage des candidats au certificat d'etudes physiques, chimiques et biologiques, au S.P.C.N., aux grandes ecoles, a la licence es sciences et des etudiants des facultes de pharmacie

  • Aron, Max

Modeling and simulation of biological networks

American Mathematical Society short course, January 10-11, 2006, San Antonio, Texas

Risultati 140-160 di 1242