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Risultati 120-140 di 458

The right to rule

how states win and lose legitimacy

  • Gilley, Bruce

Der Begriff des Politischen [+]

Text von 1932 mit einem Vorwort und drei Corollarien

  • Schmitt, Carl 1888-1985

Le radici della disuguaglianza

la potenza dei moderni

  • Martone, Antonio

Oltre il pubblico e il privato

per un diritto dei beni comuni

Modern theories of justice

  • Kolm, Serge Christophe


le istituzioni dell'eguaglianza

  • Bellanca, Nicolò 1960-

L'arte di governare

processi e transizioni

  • Donolo, Carlo

Rethinking transitions

equality and social justice in societies emerging from conflict

Queen Liberty

the concept of freedom in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth

  • Grześkowiak-Krwawicz, Anna

On rawls, development and global justice

the freedom of peoples

  • Lloyd Williams, Huw

Ideas of liberty in early modern Europe [+]

from Machiavelli to Milton

  • Gatti, Hilary