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Risultati 2000-2020 di 21393

Deutsch sein ist alles

eine Laienpredigt

  • Bartels, Adolf

Der völkische Gedanke

ein Wegweiser

  • Bartels, Adolf

Voltaire's politics

the poet as realist

  • Gay, Peter

La privatizzazione della politica

con il crollo dei partiti avanza il 2000 della "internazionale capitalista"

  • Intini, Ugo

Nation into state

the shifting symbolic foundations of American nationalism

  • Zelinsky, Wilbur

Sulla disciplina politica in Germania

Ch. Wolff, I. Kant, J.B. Erhard

  • Gessa-Kurotschka, Vanna

English political philosophy

from Hobbes to Maine

  • Graham, William

Note su Gramsci

  • Leonetti, Alfonso

Marxism and the leap to the kingdom of freedom

the rise and fall of the communist utopia

  • Walicki, Andrzej

Political interaction in the Old Regime

central power and local society in the eighteenth century Nordic States

  • Gustafsson, Harald