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Risultati 820-840 di 3510

Strauss und Rawls

das philosophische Dilemma der politik

  • Kauffmann, Clemens

Divine right and democracy [+]

an anthology of political writing in Stuart England

A democracy of distinction

Aristotle and the work of politics

  • Frank, Jill

Tragodie im Sittlichen

Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit nach Hegel

  • Menke, Christoph

Rousseau's exemplary life

the Confessions as political philosophy

  • Kelly, Christopher

Kant & political philosophy

the contemporary legacy

La miktè politéia tra antico e moderno [+]

dal quartum genus alla monarchia limitata

  • Taranto, Domenico

Il corpo vivente dello Stato

una metafora politica

  • Briguglia, Gianluca

Le temps présent

écrits, 1945-2005

  • Lefort, Claude


le projet d'autonomie

  • Caumières, Philippe

Umanisti in Europa

la Prolusio scholastica politicae exercitationis (1578)

  • Kocín, Jan