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Risultati 20-40 di 147

Political theology

four new chapters on the concept of sovereignty

  • Kahn, Paul W.

Il tramonto del nomos eurocentrico

Carl Schmitt, profeta della globalizzazione

  • Terranova, Claudia

Carl Schmitt [+]

a biography

  • Mehring, Reinhard

Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss

the hidden dialogue ; including Strausss notes on Schmitts Concept of the political and three letters from Strauss to Schmitt

  • Meier, Heinrich

Die Globalisierung und das Politische

Überlegungen zur Aktualität von Carl Schmitt

  • Mousavi, Seyed Alireza

Carl Schmitt

politics and theory

  • Gottfried, Paul Eduard

Lo sguardo di Giano

saggi su Carl Schmitt

  • Galli, Carlo 1950-

Jacob Taubes - Carl Schmitt

Briefwechsel mit Materialien

  • Taubes, Jacob

L'enigma della modernità

epistolario 1971-1978 e altri scritti

  • Blumenberg, Hans

Nomos e guerra

glosse al Nomos della terra di Carl Schmitt

  • Castrucci, Emanuele

Kirchenrecht im Bannkreis Carl Schmitts

Hans Barion vor und nach 1945

  • Marschler, Thomas


  • Pietropaoli, Stefano

Carl Schmitts international thought

order and orientation

  • Hooker, William

Carl Schmitt

diritto e concretezza

  • Buela, Alberto

Carl Schmitt

law as politics, ideology and strategic myth

  • Salter, Michael G