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Risultati 100-120 di 361

La corona española y el tráfico de negros

del monopolio al libre comercio

  • Fernández Durán, Reyes

Préjugés et déni d'humanité

les droits de l'homme, la traite des nègres, et l'esclavage pré et postmédiéval

  • Manda Tchebwa, Antoine

Grundfragen der antiken Sklaverei

eine Institution zwischen Theorie und Praxis

  • Herrmann-Otto, Elisabeth

Cross-cultural exchange in the Atlantic world

Angola and Brazil during the era of the Slave trade

  • Ferreira, Roquinaldo

American slaves and African masters

Algiers and the Western Sahara, 1776-1820

  • Sears, Christine E.


antiquity and its legacy

  • DuBois, Page

Escravos e traficantes no império português

o comércio negreiro português no Atlântico durante os séculos 15. a 19.

  • Caldeira, Arlindo Manuel

Many middle passages

forced migration and the making of the modern world

The fiery trial

Abraham Lincoln and American slavery

  • Foner, Eric

Postcolonial slavery

an overview of colonialism's legacy

Per l'abolizione della schiavitù

esame critico del pregiudizio razziale

  • Schoelcher, Victor

Risultati 100-120 di 361