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Risultati 140-160 di 619

Cicero and Virgil

studies in honour of Harold Hunt

Assent and argument

studies in Cicero's Academic books : proceedings of the 7th Symposium Hellenisticum : Utrecht, August 21-25, 1995

  • Symposium Hellenisticum 7. 1995 Utrecht

Synesios von Kyrene

Politik - Literatur - Philosophie

On Theophrastus on sense-perception

with On Aristotle On the soul 2.5-12

  • Priscianus Lydus

Sexti Empirici opera

I, Purroneion hupotuposeon libros tres continens

  • Sextus Empiricus

Immagini e rappresentazione

contributi su Filone di Alessandria

Recherches sur la Chrestomathie de Proclos

1, Le codex 239 de Photius

  • Severyns, Albert

Greek skepticism

a study in epistemology

  • Stough, Charlotte L.


  • Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius

Marius Victorinus

recherches sur sa vie et ses oeuvres

  • Hadot, Pierre

Scepticism or Platonism?

the philosophy of the fourth Academy

  • Tarrant, Harold