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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 460-480 di 1295

La province préhistorique des Eyzies

400000 ans d'implantation humaine

  • Cleyet Merle, Jean Jacques

Tell Ahmar

1988 season

Lindos 4.

excavations and surveys in Southern Rhodes

I giacimenti preistorici di Bisceglie e Conversano

ricerche e scavi archeologici di Francesco Saverio Majellaro

  • Palmiotti, Luigi


Stadt der Gotter und Tempel : neue Ausgrabungen in der Hauptstadt der Hethiter

  • Neve, Peter

The lower pleistocene of the Central Jordan Valley

the excavations at Ubeidiya, 1960-1963


results of excavations conducted by the American School of classical studies at Athens

  • The American school of classical studies Athens

Himera 1.

campagne di scavo 1963-1965

Terqa 1978

the joint expedition to Terqa : the fourth season, fall 1978

Tenos 2

Tenos et les Cyclades du milieu du 4. siecle av. J. C. au milieu du 3. siecle ap. J. C.

  • Étienne, Roland