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Risultati 1-16 di 16

International confererence on satellite communication systems technology, 7-10 April 1975... Savoy Place, London

  • International Conference on satellite communication systems technology London 1975

Abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols common to communication and broadcast satellite systems

  • Institute of electrical and electronics engineersCommunication and Broadcast Satellite Systems Committee

Communication satellites

  • Mueller, George Edwin

Appunti di sistemi di radiocomunicazione

corso di laurea in ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni

  • Reggiannini, Ruggero

Telecommunication satellites

theory, practice, ground stations, satellites, economics

Advanced methods for satellite and deep space communications

proceedings of an international seminar organized by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) : Bonn, Germany, September 1992

La télévision par satellite

aspects juridiques internationaux

  • Achilleas, Philippe

La television par satellite

aspects juridiques internationaux

  • Achilleas, Philippe

Risultati 1-16 di 16