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Risultati 160-180 di 464

La prossima volta, il fuoco [+]

due lettere

  • Baldwin, James

Il gettone

  • Sinclair, Upton

Collected essays


  • Vidal, Gore


George Steiner sul New Yorker

  • Steiner, George <1929-2020>

Ascolta, Mister Bilbo!

canzoni di protesta del popolo americano

It all adds up

from the dim past to the uncertain future : a nonfiction collection

  • Bellow, Saul

Janet Flanner's world

uncollected writings, 1932-1975

  • Flanner, Janet

The last decade

essays and reviews, 1965-75

  • Trilling, Lionel

Matters of fact and of fiction

essays 1973-1976

  • Vidal, Gore

The message in the bottle

how queer man is, how queer language is, and what one has to do with the other

  • Percy, Walker

Hugging the shore

essays and criticism

  • Updike, John

The Friday book

essays and other nonfiction

  • Barth, John