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Risultati 1-20 di 1523

Rome devant la défaite

(753-264 avant J.-C.)

  • Engerbeaud, Mathieu

Roma medio repubblicana

dalla conquista di Veio alla battaglia di Zama : atti del convegno internazionale Roma, 5-6-7 aprile 2017

Roma contro i Parti

due imperi in guerra

  • Brizzi, Giovanni 1946-

La res publica et sa décadence

de Salluste à Tite-Live

  • Vassiliadès, Georgios

From Roma quadrata to la grande Roma dei Tarquini

a study of the literary tradition on Rome's territorial growth under the kings

  • Ziolkowski, Adam

Roman buildings of the Republic

an attempt to date them from their materials

  • Frank, Tenney

Killing for the Republic

citizen-soldiers and the Roman way of war

  • Brand, Steele

The roman audience

classical literature as social history

  • Wiseman, Timothy P.


a history of ancient Rome

  • Beard, Mary

The ancient Romans

history and society from the early Republic to the death of Augustus

  • Dillon, Matthew 1963-

Risultati 1-20 di 1523