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Risultati 100-120 di 1009

The French revolution

a document collection

  • Mason, Laura

Stati e rivoluzioni sociali

un'analisi comparata di Francia, Russia e Cina

  • Skocpol, Theda

The furies

violence and terror in the French and Russian revolutions

  • Mayer, Arno J.

Deux idoles sanguinaires

la revolution et son fils Bonaparte

  • Daudet, Léon

Fraternite et revolution francaise


  • David, Marcel 1920-

Le dix août

  • Mathiez, Albert

Les images de la Révolution française

actes du colloque des 25-26-27 oct. 1985 tenu en Sorbonne

Becoming a revolutionary

the deputies of the French national assembly and the emergence of a revolutionary culture, 1789-1790

  • Tackett, Timothy

Inventing the French Revolution

essays on French political culture in eighteenth century

  • Baker, Keith Michael

The scar of revolution

Custine, Tocqueville, and the romantic imagination

  • Grudzinska Gross, Irena

Risultati 100-120 di 1009