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Risultati 20-40 di 100

Introduction to geographical hydrology

spatial aspects of the interactions between water occurrence and human activity

Introduction to physical hydrology

spatial aspects of the interactions between water occurrence and human activity

L' industria idrica in alcuni paesi europei

assetti istituzionali e organizzativi : volume 1

Losing paradise

the water crisis in the Mediterranean

  • Holst-Warhaft, Gail

La gestione dell'acqua nell'agricoltura toscana

atti del Convegno regionale Azienda agricola regionale di Alberese, 4 ottobre 1996

Water resources systems planning and management

an introduction to methods, models and applications

  • Loucks, Daniel P.

Société et climats dans l'empire romaine

pour une perspective historique et systémique de la gestion des ressources en eau dans l'Empire romain