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Risultati 80-100 di 656

New ways of looking at old texts, 2.

papers of the Renaissance English Text Society, 1992-1996

Renaissance and Reformation

the intellectual genesis

  • Levi, Anthony

On the threshold of modernity

relativism in the French Renaissance

  • Schiffman, Zachary Sayre

Humanists and reformers

a history of the Renaissance and Reformation

  • Thompson, Bard

Habits of thought in the English renaissance

religion, politics, and the dominant culture

  • Shuger, Debora Kuller

Broken english

dialects and the politics of language in renaissance writings

  • Blank, Paula

Persons in groups

social behavior as identity formation in Medieval and Renaissance Europe : papers of the 16. annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance studies

  • Center for medieval and early Renaissance studies

The European Renaissance

centres and peripheries

  • Burke, Peter 1937-

Rinascimento in controluce

poeti, pittori, cortigiane e teatranti sul palcoscenico rinascimentale

  • Padoan, Giorgio

L'immagine e la parola

cultura e simboli del Rinascimento

  • Gordon, Donald James

El Renacimiento y la otra España

visión cultural socioespiritual

  • Nieto, José C.

Renaissance humanism

  • Kelley, Donald R. 1931-