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Risultati 20-40 di 110

Constraints on the waging of war

an introduction to international humanitarian law

  • Kalshoven, Frits

Judges, law and war

the judicial development of international humanitarian law

  • Darcy, Shane

Multilevel regulation of military and security contractors

the interplay between international, European and domestic norms

The end of reciprocity

terror, torture and the law of war

  • Osiel, Mark J.

Humanitarian and security law

a compendium of international and European instruments

  • Wouters, Jan

Identifying the enemy

civilian participation in armed conflict

  • Crawford, Emily

Amtshaftung im bewaffneten Auslandseinsatz

Anwendbarkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit des Amtshaftungsrechts bei Verletzung des ius in bello

  • Huhn, Armin

The image before the weapon

a critical history of the distinction between combatant and civilian

  • Kinsella, Helen

Civil-military 'legal' relations, where to from here?

the civilian courts and the military in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia

  • Collins, Pauline Therese

Dehumanization of warfare

legal implications of new weapon technologies

The responsibility to protect (R2P)

a new paradigm of international law?

Protecting civilians in war

the ICRC, UNHCR, and their limitations in internal armed conflicts

  • Bradley, Miriam