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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1-20 di 109

Facility location [+]

applications and theory

Procedings of the international conference on establishment surveys

survey methods for businesses, farms, and institutions : invited and contributed papers : june 27-30, 1993 - Buffalo, New York

  • International Conference On Establishment Surveys

Operations research

an introduction to linear optimization and decision analysis

  • Harvey, Charles M.

Vehicle routing

methods and studies

Techniques of event history modeling

new approaches to causal analysis

  • Blossfeld, Hans-peter

Queueing methods

for services and manufacturing

  • Hall, Randolph W.

Ricerca operativa e intelligenza artificiale

  • Associazione italiana di ricerca operativa

The design of experiments

statistical principles for pratical applications

  • Mead, Roger

Ricerca operativa

  • Brioschi, Francesco

La ricerca operativa al servizio della società

Airo 96 atti

  • Associazione italiana ricerca operativa

Ricerca operativa

  • Colorni, Alberto

Risultati 1-20 di 109