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Risultati 1440-1460 di 49185

Colloque sur la rhétorique

Calliope 1.

  • Colloque sur la rethorique Calliope

La traducción de la metáfora

  • Samaniego Fernández, Eva

Patterns in language

an introduction to language and literary style

  • Thornborrow, Johanna

Language and writing

applications of linguistics to rhetoric and composition

  • Raskin, Victor

Retorica generale

le figure della comunicazione

  • Gruppo M

Rhetorische Anthropologie

Studien zum Homo rhetoricus

Textual power

literary theory and the teaching of English

  • Scholes, Robert

Ironie paradoxale et ironie poetique

vers une theorie de l'ironie moderne sur les traces de Gide dans Paludes

  • Yaari, Monique

Die Metapher

kommunikationssemantische Uberlegungen zu einer rhetorischen Kategorie

  • Hulzer, Heike

Attualità della retorica [+]

atti del 1. Convegno italo-tedesco : Bressanone, 1973

  • Convegno italo-tedesco 1. Bressanone 1973

Persuading people

an introduction to rhetoric

  • Cockcroft, Robert

Rhetoric [+]

the wit of persuasion

  • Nash, Walter

Allegories of reading

figural language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust

  • De Man, Paul