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Dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quotations

comprising 14,000 idioms, proverbs, maxims, mottoes, technical words and terms, and press allusions from the works of the great writers in Latin, French, Italian, Greek, German, Spanish, Portuguese, alphabetically arranged, with English translations and equivalents

  • Jones, Hugh Percy

A presto Casimiro

  • Minestrini, Walter

Fiabe inglesi

  • Hetmann, Frederik

La gigantessa

  • Burgess, Melvin

Fiabe ebraiche

  • Zwi Kanner, Israel

Il menabò di letteratura

Vol. 5

  • Vittorini, Elio

The prince and the frog

based on a traditional folk tale

  • King, Sue


  • Montaigne deMichel

Fiabe arabe [+]

  • Caporali, Renato